Are you homeless?

Christ Cares can help

Text “christcares” to 55498

Text “christcares” to 55498


Being Homeless may be the most difficult and challenging time of your life. Do not despair, hold on to hope, this is not the final chapter of your life, God will see you through. Christ Cares wants to help and encourage you through this journey… We are here to help you spiritually and also practically… Christ Cares has programs and resources to help the homeless. We also have much experience and many contacts we can connect you with. We care and want to help

  • 1. Text '‘christcares” to 55498 - this will sign you up for a daily encouraging text from Christ Cares containing a scripture and prayer. You can then respond to any of those texts and connect with a CHRIST CARES volunteer. You can ask questions and we can fill you in on our programs and resources

  • 2. Visit - there you will find all the major resources available in the south Chicagoland area for the homeless and those in need.

3. You can get immediate short term shelter and two meals a day through South Suburban Pads - PADS will also help individuals find more permanent housing through a variety of programs. Their number is 708-332-7700 -(continue to call if no one picks up and leave many messages)

From their website :

If you are currently homeless and seeking emergency shelter or assistance to obtain a home, please visit the Chicago Heights office to complete the housing intake process.
South Suburban PADS
Chicago Heights Housing and Shelter Support Office
414 W. Lincoln Highway
Chicago Heights, IL 60411
Current Hours of Operation: If possible calling to make an appointment is recommended:
Monday 9am-1pm
Wednesday 1pm-5pm
Friday 9am-1pm
Closed on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

4. Other options:

a) The Pacific Garden Mission

Address: 1458 S Canal St, Chicago, IL 60607, United States

Phone: +1 312 492 9410

b) City of Chicago -

It is my understanding a homeless person can go to any police station or hospital in the City of Chicago, call their non emergency number (311) and declare themself homeless and the City of Chicago will send transportation to pick you up and place you in a temporary shelter (sometimes a long wait time)

c) * For ladies with or without children, call ROSELAND Christian Ministries Woman’s Shelter:


5. DIAL “211” - Callers to 211 can get LIVE assistance with needs such as: food, shelter, counseling, income supports, employment, healthcare, and services for specialized populations such as the elderly and persons with disabilities and much more. All calls are free, anonymous and confidential. IDHS - Illinois Department of Human Services


Local / Chicago south suburbs: 708-429-SAFE (7233)

National Domestic Hotline: 800-799-SAFE (7233)

7. NEED PREGNANCY RESOURCES?: Call 708-614-9777 or text “HELPLINE” to 313131 (PASS -


9. ATTEND CHRIST CARES’ WEEKLY HOMELESS BIBLE STUDY AND FREE LUNCH - connect with our friendly staff and volunteers: Every Thursday 11:00 a.m. - We rent Greater Faith Baptist Church @ 1417 Emerald Ave. Chicago Heights, IL 60411. & don’t forget to sign up for our daily encouraging texts that you can respond to with questions - SEE # 1 of this list.

10. CHRIST CARES ALSO SPONSORS A WEEKLY CHRISTIAN AA / NA CLASS - that also includes “Life Skills” to help improve employment, success, and healthier relationships:

Thursdays, 1:15 p.m. @ New Life Baptist Church, 1633 Wilson Ave. Chicago Heights, IL 60411